Wednesday, 24 January 2018


Week Eleven ↓

Otherwise called Sea-Surf, Session Riding, XSRF or CSRF, this attack vector enables attackers to force an unsuspecting user’s browser to send unintended malicious requests by exploiting web application vulnerabilities (Oriyano, 2016). The attacker is able to get into an active session with a trusted site/application while the victim visits a malicious site, and HTTP requests are injected to perform an attack. This pervasive attack has been ranked in OWASP’s Top 10 list of regularly exploited attacks (Acunetix, 2018). Generally, this attack requires the victim to be authenticated and the level of authorization would determine the severity of the attack. This vulnerability is being leveraged upon because web applications would always trust users once their identity is confirmed.
In executing CSRF attacks, an attacker would need to build an exploit URL or script. The victim can then be tricked into executing the script/clicking the link via a technique like social engineering. The targeted web application receives a legitimate looking request from the victim’s browser after the request is sent by the script. Using this crafted request, the attacker can create custom actions to be performed as though it were the victim. To achieve this, a GET or POST request could be used. An example of CSRF attack is seen in 2008’s uTorrent attack where GET requests were used to download malware on a large scale.

CSRF using GET request

When applications are designed to use GET requests to transfer parameter and execute actions, a request could be crafted for a $200 transfer to an attacker’s account as shown below:
GET;=$200 HTTP/1.1
Embedding this request into a seemingly innocent hyperlink would look like:
<a href=";=$200">Read more!</a>

CSRF using POST request

The dichotomy between GET and POST methods is in the method used to execute the attack. For applications that use POST requests, standard “a”, “href” or “img” tags cannot be used to frame malicious requests (Incapsula, 2018). Attackers could however deliver this request using <form> tag with automatic execution of the embedded JavaScript giving a form as shown below.

 <body onload="document.forms[0].submit()">
   <form action="" method="POST">
     <input type="hidden" name="acct" value="Hacker"/>
     <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="$200"/>
     <input type="submit" value="View my pictures!"/>

This disguised exploit URL/code can be delivered to a victim using techniques that would encourage a victim to interact with it.


Anti-CSRF tokens can be used to prevent CSRF attacks. This mechanism associates challenge tokens with each request and appends them with the user’s session. These tokens are also called Synchronizer tokens. This way, an attacker crafting a request will need to guess the anti-CSRF token; for a victim to be successfully tricked into sending a request (Veracode, 2018).

Double submission of cookies can also be used to thwart CSRF attacks. In this method, random tokens are assigned to both a cookie and a request parameter; access is then granted to the application upon verifying that these tokens match (Oriyano, 2016).


Sean-Philip Oriyano. (April, 2016). CEH v9: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 9 Study Guide, Edition 3.

Acunetix. 2018. CSRF Attacks, XSRF or Sea-Surf. Retrieved from

Veracode. 2018. Cross-Site Request Forgery Guide: Learn All About CSRF Attacks and CSRF Protection. Retrieved from

Incapsula. 2018. Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Attack. Retrieved from

Video Credit: Tech4Abhi. August 19, 2017

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