Nine ↓
Popularly known as “XSS” or “CSS” attacks,
this application-level session hijacking attack is used to gain unauthorized
access via client-side scripts. This is achieved by exploiting vulnerabilities
in web applications with dynamically generated web pages. One of such
vulnerabilities is unvalidated input where a client input is not validated
before being processed by a web application and backend server (Oriyano, 2016).
An attacker can exploit this flaw to perform a Cross-site scripting attack. An
attacker could achieve this by injecting malicious JavaScript, VBScript, HTML,
ActiveX requests to be executed. The crafted link then runs and completes the
instructions made by the attacker. Some common motives of XSS attacks include; data
theft, redirecting to a malicious server, exploiting user privileges, interfering
with session information.
XSS attacks come in two main forms
presented below:
Stored XSS attacks: In these attacks, web applications
allow attackers store data on target servers, comment fields, message forum. “Once
this happens, their data
will be part of the site, and when
a subsequent visitor comes to the site, they
inadvertently run the same data” (Oriyano,
2016). This type of XSS attacks are also called Persistent or Type-I XSS
Xssed.com is an online archive of VSS
vulnerable websites.
All cookies, headers, form fields query
string and other parameters should be validated against a specification of some
Web application firewalls should be used
to block execution of malicious script;
XSS attacks are not dependent on HTTPS/HTTP
connections, in essence, trust no website;
Test for XSS flaws in applications before
they are rolled out;
Scripts could be signed using asymmetric
cryptographic keys to ascertain the authenticity of the script.
Sean-Philip Oriyano. (April, 2016). CEH v9: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 9 Study Guide, Edition 3.
Video Credit: Danscourses. Sept 28, 2012
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